[Solved-1 Solution] Pig Changing Schema to required type ?


We have an existing schema which we need to modify. My source data is as follows with 6 columns:

Name        Type    Date        Region    Op    Value
john        ab      20130106    D         X     20
john        ab      20130106    D         C     19
jphn        ab      20130106    D         T     8
jphn        ab      20130106    E         C     854
jphn        ab      20130106    E         T     67
jphn        ab      20130106    E         X     98

Each Op value is always C, T or X. If we want to split my data in the following way into 7 columns:

Name        Type    Date        Region    OpX    OpC   OpT
john        ab      20130106    D         20     19    8
john        ab      20130106    E         98     854   67

Basically split the Op column into 3 columns: each for one Op value. Each of these columns should contain appropriate value from column Value. How can we do this in Pig ?

Solution 1:

One way to achieve the desired result:

IN = load 'data.txt' using PigStorage(',') as (name:chararray, type:chararray, 
       date:int, region:chararray, op:chararray, value:int);
A = order IN by op asc;
B = group A by (name, type, date, region);
C = foreach B {
  bs = STRSPLIT(BagToString(A.value, ','),',',3);
  generate flatten(group) as (name, type, date, region), 
    bs.$2 as OpX:chararray, bs.$0 as OpC:chararray, bs.$1 as OpT:chararray;
describe C;
C: {name: chararray,type: chararray,date: int,region: chararray,OpX: 
    chararray,OpC: chararray,OpT: chararray}
dump C;

  • If we want to skip order by which adds an additional reduce phase to the computation, we can prefix each value with its corresponding op in tuple v.
  • Then sort the tuple fields by using a custom UDF to have the desired OpX, OpC, OpT order:
register 'myjar.jar';
A = load 'data.txt' using PigStorage(',') as (name:chararray, type:chararray, 
      date:int, region:chararray, op:chararray, value:int);
B = group A by (name, type, date, region);
C = foreach B {
  v = foreach A generate CONCAT(op, (chararray)value);
  bs = STRSPLIT(BagToString(v, ','),',',3);
  generate flatten(group) as (name, type, date, region), 
    flatten(TupleArrange(bs)) as (OpX:chararray, OpC:chararray, OpT:chararray);

Below is the tuplearrange code:

import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc;
import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple;
import org.apache.pig.data.TupleFactory;
import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema;

public class TupleArrange extends EvalFunc<Tuple> {

    private static final TupleFactory tupleFactory = TupleFactory.getInstance();

    public Tuple exec(Tuple input) throws IOException {
        try {
            Tuple result = tupleFactory.newTuple(3);
            Tuple inputTuple = (Tuple) input.get(0);
            String[] tupleArr = new String[] { 
                    (String) inputTuple.get(0),
                    (String) inputTuple.get(1), 
                    (String) inputTuple.get(2) 
            Arrays.sort(tupleArr); //ascending
            result.set(0, tupleArr[2].substring(1));
            result.set(1, tupleArr[0].substring(1));
            result.set(2, tupleArr[1].substring(1));
            return result;
        catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("TupleArrange error", e);

    public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) {
        return input;

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