[Solved-5 Solutions] innerHTML of a div using jQuery - javascript tutorial
How to replace innerHTML of a div using jQuery ?
Solution 1:
To replace innerHTML of a div in jQuery, We can use the html() or text() method.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
$('#demo').html('Wikitechy Tutorials!!!');
<div id="demo">Welcome to Wikitechy</b>!
<button id="button1">Replace</button>
Solution 2:
Using .innerHTML property are effectively modifying the strings.
$("#regTitle").html("Hello World");
Here change the value of specified elements by using text() function.
$('#regTitle').text('Hello world');
Solution 3:
In jquery, reset the existing content and append the new one.
var itemtoReplaceContentOf = $('#regTitle');
Read Also
jQuery - Get htmlSolution 4:
This is the setter of the innerHTML property in jQuery.
$('#regTitle').html('Hello World');
This is the getter of the innerHTML property in jQuery
var helloWorld = $('#regTitle').html();
Solution 5:
jQuery's .html()
can be used for getting and setting the contents of non empty elements to be matched. (innerHTML)
var contents = $(element).html();
$(element).html("insert content into element");