javascript tutorial - [Solved-5 Solutions] parseInt - javascript - java script - javascript array


Why does parseInt(1/0, 19) return 18 ?

Solution 1:

> parseInt(1 / 0, 19)
> 18
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Solution 2:

  • The result of 1/0 is Infinity.
  • parseInt treats its first argument as a string which means first of all Infinity.toString() is called, producing the string "Infinity". So it works the same as if you asked it to convert "Infinity" in base 19 to decimal.
  • Here are the digits in base 19 along with their decimal values:
Base 19   Base 10 (decimal)
   0            0
   1            1
   2            2
   3            3
   4            4
   5            5
   6            6
   7            7
   8            8
   9            9
   a            10
   b            11
   c            12
   d            13
   e            14
   f            15
   g            16
   h            17
   i            18
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Solution 3:

Here's the sequence of events:

  • 1/0 evaluates to Infinity
  • parseInt reads Infinity and happily notes that I is 18 in base 19
  • parseInt ignores the remainder of the string, since it can't be converted.

Solution 4:

var num = 1 / 0;
var numInBase19 = num.toString(19); // returns the string "Infinity"
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Solution 5:

  • parseInt(1/0,19) is equivalent to parseInt("Infinity",19)
  • Within base 19 numbers 0-9 and A-I (or a-i) are a valid numbers. So, from the "Infinity" it takes I of base 19 and converts to base 10 which becomes 18 Then it tries to take the next character i.e. n which is not present in base 19 so discards next characters (as per javascript's behavior of converting string to number)
  • So, if we write parseInt("Infinity",19) OR parseInt("I",19) OR vparseInt("i",19) the result will be same i.e 18.
  • Now, if we write parseInt("I0",19) the result will be 342 as I X 19 (the base)^1 + 0 X 19^0 = 18 X 19^1 + 0 X 19^0 = 18 X 19 + 0 X 1 = 342
  • Similarly, parseInt("I11",19) will result in 6518

  18 X 19^2  +   1 X 19^1   +  1 X 19^0
= 18 X 19^2  +   1 X 19^1   +  1 X 19^0
= 18 X 361   +   1 X 19     +  1 X 1
= 6498  +  19  +  1
= 6518
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