We don't actually "access the user's clipboard", instead we help the user out a bit by selecting something useful when they press Ctrl+C.
Sounds like you've figured it out; we take advantage of the fact that when you want to hit Ctrl+C, you have to hit the Ctrl key first. When the Ctrl key is pressed, we pop in a textarea that contains the text we want to end up on the clipboard, and select all the text in it, so the selection is all set when the Ccode> key is hit. (Then we hide the textarea when the Ctrl key comes up)
Specifically, Trello does this:
In the DOM we've got
CSS for the clipboard stuff:
The CSS makes it so you can't actually see the textarea when it pops in ... but it's "visible" enough to copy from.
When you hover over a card, it calls
... so then the clipboard helper knows what to select when the Ctrl key is pressed.
Solution 2:
three bugs with Trello's approach, which I know because I've faced them myself :)
The copy doesn't work in these scenarios:
If you already have Ctrl pressed and then hover a link and hit C, the copy doesn't work.
If your cursor is in some other text field in the page, the copy doesn't work.
If your cursor is in the address bar, the copy doesn't work.
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