PouchDB Read Document

PouchDB Read Document

  • db.get() - This method is used to retrieve or read the document created in a database. This method takes the document id and callback function as a parameter.


db.get(document, callback)  


//Requiring the package  
var PouchDB = require('PouchDB');  
//Creating the database object  
var db = new PouchDB('Second_Database');  
//Reading the contents of a Document  
db.get('001', function(err, doc) {  
   if (err) {  
      return console.log(err);  
   } else {  
  • Save the file name as "Read_Document.js" within a folder name "PouchDB_Examples". Open the command prompt and execute the JavaScript file:
node Read_Document.js  
  • It'll examined the document put away in "Second_Database" on PouchDB Server.


{ name: 'Admin',  
  age: 28,  	
  designation: 'Developer',  
  _id: '001',  
  _rev: '1-99a7a80ec2a74959885037a16d57924f' }  

Read Also

 PouchDB Read/Retrieve Document

PouchDB Read/Retrieve Document

Read a Document from Remote Database

You can also read or retrieve a document from a remotely stored database(CouchDB). You just pass the path of the database where you want to read documents in CouchDB, instead of database name.


  • There is a database named "employees" in the CouchDB Server.
 PouchDB Read/Retrieve Document

PouchDB Read/Retrieve Document

  • By clicking on "employees", you can see a document:
 PouchDB Read/Retrieve Document

PouchDB Read/Retrieve Document

  • Let's fetch data of that document:
//Requiring the package  
var PouchDB = require('PouchDB');  
//Creating the database object  
var db = new PouchDB('http://localhost:5984/employees');  
//Reading the contents of a document  
db.get('001', function(err, doc) {  
   if (err) {  
      return console.log(err);  
   } else {  
  • Save the file named as "Read_Remote_Document.js" within a folder name "PouchDB_Examples". Open the command prompt and execute the JavaScript file using node:
node Read_Remote_Document.js  
  • It will read the document stored in "employee" database on CouchDB Server.


{ _id: '001',
  _rev: '3-276c137672ad71f53b681feda67e65b1',
name: 'Admin',
age: 28,
designation: 'Developer' }
 PouchDB Read/Retrieve Document

PouchDB Read/Retrieve Document

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