Class System in Ext JS

Class System in Ext JS

  • A Class can be defined as extensible program code-template that helps to create the objects, provides initial value for the member variables, and implement of methods and member functions.
  • In Ext JS, Ext is used as a namespace which is used to encapsulate the classes and create an own class system.
  • The essential methods are Ext.apply, Ext.create, Ext.define, Ext.getCmp, Ext.override, and Ext.application etc.


Defining a Class in Ext JS

To define a class in Ext JS, then you have to use Ext.define ().


Ext.define(class name, class member/ properties, callback function);  

Here, we have discussed all the values of the syntax.

  • Class Name: The class name given by user depending upon the application structure.
  • Class Member/Properties: Class member/properties are used to determine the class behaviour.
  • Callback Function: A function that is invoked the class is loaded. It is an optional function to use.

Sample Code

Ext.define (employeeApp.view.EmployeeDetailsGrid,  
    extend : 'Ext.grid.GridPanel',  
    id : 'employeesDetailsGrid',  
    store : 'EmployeesDetailsGridStore',  
    renderTo : 'employeesDetailsRenderDiv',  
    layout : 'fit',  
    columns : [{  
    text : 'Employee Name',  
    dataIndex : 'employee Name'  
}, {  
    text : 'ID',  
    dataIndex : 'employeeId'  
}, {  
    text : 'Department',  
    dataIndex: 'department'  

Creating an object

To create the object in Ext JS like in the other object-oriented programming language (OOPs). Create the object in Ext JS by using two following ways:

Creating an object with the help of Ext.create ()

Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {  
    renderTo : 'Hello wikitechy’,  
    height : 50,  
    width : 50,  
    title : ‘Kaashiv',  
    html :  'welcome to wikitechy'  

Creating object with the help of new keyword

Var employee Object =new employee ();  
employeeObject.getEmployeeName ();   

Ext JS Inheritance

  • In object-oriented programming, the term inheritance can be defined as a technique in a subclass imports the superclass's properties.

Inheritance with the help of Ext.extend method

Ext.define (employeeApp.view.EmployeeDetailsGrid,         
// EmployeeDetailsGrid uses the feature of Ext JS Grid Panel  
Extend: 'Ext.grid.GridPanel',  

Inheritance with the help of Mixins

  • The mixins keyword helps us to import the class a properties into class B. Usually, mixins are included in the controller that contains the declaration of various classes such as store, view, etc.
mixins : {  
	    Commons : 'DepartmentApp.utils.DepartmentUtils'  

Example of Ext JS program

  • In the below-written program, code first, we are required to create a simple HTML file named wikitechy.html and also provide the library files in the <head> tag.

Sample Code:


<!DOCTYPE html>  
<link href = "" rel = "stylesheet" />  
<script type = "text/javascript" src = ""></script>     
<script type = "text/javascript">  
Ext.onReady(function() {  
    Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {  
        renderTo: 'helloWorldPanel',  
        height: 500,  
        width: 500,  
        title:'Hello Wikitechy',  
        html: 'Welcome to Wikitechy'  
<div id = "helloWorldPanel" />  

Read Also

Explanation of program

  • Ext.onReady() method: This method is invoked when the Ext Js elements are ready to render.
  • Ext.create() method: It is used to build the object. In the above code, we created Ext. Panel object.
  • Ext.Panel: It is an inbuilt class used in Ext JS. It also contains the following different properties for different functions.
  • Render To: It is responsible for delivering the panel. In the above code, the div id is 'helloWorldPanel'.
  • Title: This property provides the title to the panel.
  • Height & Weight: These properties are used to give the size of the panel.
  • Html: This property helps us to show the Html content in the panel.


  • wikitechy.html file in any standard browser and you will get the following output:


Ext.String Class

Sl. No. Method Description
1 Ext.String.htmlEncode It makes the html value parsable by encoding it.

For Example
Ext.String.htmlEncode("< p>welcome Ext JS < /p>");
Output - "< p > Hello Ext JS < /p >".
2 Ext.String.htmlDecode It decodes the encoded html value.

For Example
Ext.String.htmlDecode("< p > welcome Ext JS < /p >");
Output- "< p> welcome Ext JS < /p>"
3 Ext.String.trim This method is used to remove the undesirable space in the string.

For Example-
Ext.String.trim(' Ext JS ');
Output- "Ext JS"
4 Ext.String.urlAppend This method is used to affix the value of the URL string.

For Example
Ext.String.urlAppend('' , 'welcome Ext JS');
Output- " Ext JS"

Ext.String.urlAppend('' , 'hello Ext JS');
Output- " Ext JS"
5 Ext.String.toggle This method is used to switch the value between two different values.

For Example vartoggleString = 'ASCENDING' toggleString = Ext.String.toggle(p, 'ASCENDING', 'DESCENDING');
DESCENDING as toggleString had value ASCENDING. Now again, if you print the same you will get toggleString = "ASCENDING" this time, as it had value 'DESCENDING'. It is same as like ternary operator.

toggleString = ((toggleString =='ASCENDING')? 'DESCENDING' : 'ASCENDING' ); Class

Sl.No. Method Description
1 It is used to return true value with the android OS; otherwise it returns false.
2 This method is used to return the platform used for the current version. For Example-

[Object { property = "platform", regex = RegExp, identity = "Blackberry"},
Object { property = "platform", regex = RegExp, identity = "Mac"},
Object { property = "userAgent", regex = RegExp, identity = "iPad"},
Object { property = "userAgent", regex = RegExp, identity = "iPhone"},
Object { property = "userAgent", regex = RegExp, identity = "Linux"},
Object { property = "platform", regex = RegExp, identity = "iPod"},
Object { property = "platform", regex = RegExp, identity = "Windows"},
Object { property = "platform", regex = RegExp, identity = "Android"}
3 It returns true if you are using a desktop, otherwise false.
4 This method returns true if you are using a mobile phone; otherwise, it returns false.
5 This method returns true if you are using an iPhone; otherwise, it returns false.
6 When you use an iPod, then it returns true, otherwise false.
7 If you use an iPad then it returns true, otherwise false.
8 It returns true if you are working with the Linux operating system, otherwise false.
9 It returns true if you are working with the Mac operating system, otherwise false.
10 It returns true if you are working with the Blackberry operating system, otherwise false.
11 It returns true if you are working with a Windows operating system, otherwise false.

Ext.supports Class

Sl.No. Method Description
1. Svg stands for Scalable vector graphics. This method checks whether the device supports the Svg feature or not.

It checks for following-
doc.createElementNS && !!doc.createElementNS( "http:/" + "/", "svg").createSVGRect.
2. Ext.supports.History This method returns true if the device supports the history of HTML 5; otherwise, it returns false.
3. Ext.supports.GeoLocation This method is used to support the geolocation feature. It also checks for the navigator.geolocation method.
4. Ext.supports.Range Ext.supports. Range method checks the browser, whether it supports the document.createRange method or not.
5. Ext.supports.Canvas This method is used to monitor that the device is suitable for a canvas to draw a method or not.
For Example- doc.createElement('canvas').getContext

Miscellaneous Methods

Sl.No. Method Description
1. Ext.getVersion() This method returns the current version of Ext Js version.

For Example
When you invoke Ext.getVersion(), then it returns an array value such as version, short version, etc.
Ext.getVersion().- Returning the current version of Ext JS such as "7.2.0".
2. Ext.userAgent() This method provides information about the userAgent browser. The userAgent helps us to describe the Od and browser for server.
3. Version related function This method helps us to provide the current browser version. It contains some functions such as Ext.firefoxVersion, Ext.ieVersion, etc.

For Example-
If you use the Firefox and invoke the method for Internet Explorer, then it returns 0, and when you are using the same browser (IE), then it returns the browser version.
4. Ext.typeOf() It is used to display the variable's datatype.

For Example-
Var p = 10;
Var q = 'hello';
Output- Number
Output- String
5. Browser related functions These functions are used to return Boolean value according to the current web browser. The methods are Ext.isIE6, Ext.isChrome, Ext.isIE, Ext.isFF06 etc.
6. Data type related methods It returns the Boolean value according to the variable.

For Example-
Var x = ['x', 'yz'];
Var y = 'Hello';
Var z = '456';
Var nullvariable;
Var deifnedvariable;
Function extraFunction() {return true;}
Ext.isArray(a); //returns true
Ext.isString(b); //returns true
Ext.isNumber(c); //returns true
Ext.isEmpty(emptyVariable); //returns true
Ext.isEmpty(b); //returns false
Ext.isDefined(definedVariable); //returns true
Ext.isfunction(extraFunction); //returns true

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