Facebook Data Mining
- Facebook is one of the most important sources of online business communication.
- Facebook allows us to interact with friends and family or to stay up to date about the latest stuff happening around the world. Facebook page helps the people to get aware of the brand through the media content shared.
- People nowadays cannot live without Facebook. This has become a habit to such an extent, that people have the addiction of going through this site every once in half an hour.

Facebook Data Mining
- Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms created in 2004. It now has almost two billion monthly active users with five new profiles, every second. Anyone who is over the age of 13 can use the site.
Facts about Facebook
Headquarters: California, US
Established: February 2004
Founded by: Mark Zuckerberg

Personal Data
- There are approximately 52 percent Female users and 48 percent Male users on Facebook.
- Facebook stories are viewed by 0.6 Billion viewers on a daily basis.
- Social researchers at various universities round the world have collected data from Facebook pages to become conversant in the lives and social networks of school students.
- They need also mined for data on MySpace to seek out out how people express emotion on the online and to assess- supported data posted on MySpace, what youths believe appropriate internet conduct.
- Because academic specialists, particularly those within the social sciences, are collecting data from Facebook and other internet websites and distributing their discoveries, numerous university Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), councils charged by government guidelines to review research with human subjects, have built up policies and procedures that govern research on the web. Some strategies specifically concerning data mining on social media platforms like Facebook.
- These strategies function institutional- specific supplements to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) guidelines guiding the conduct of research with human subjects.
- The formation of those institutional-specific strategies that a minimum of some university IRBs view data mining on Facebook as research with human subjects. Thus, the universities where this case went on , research involving data mining on Facebook must experience the IRB survey before the research may start.
- According to the HHS guidelines, all research with human subjects must experience IRB survey and obtain IRB endorsement before the research may start. The executive requirement tries to assure that human subjects research is conducted as ethically as possible, in specific requiring that subject participation in research is voluntary, that the risks to subjects are like the advantages which no subject population is unfairly excluded or incorporated within the research.