Applications of Operational Amplifiers in Tamil


  • A comparator is a device that compare a measurable quantity with a reference or standard such as two voltages or currents. They are commonly used in devices that measure and digitize analog signals.


Non-Inverting Comparator

  • A comparator compares a signal voltage applied at the input of an op-amp with a known reference voltage Vref given at the other input.
  • It is an open-loop operation, i.e., there is no feedback path in the case of a comparator.
Non-Inverting Comparator

Non-Inverting Comparator

Working of Non-Inverting Comparator

  • A fixed reference voltage Vref of 1 V is applied to the negative terminal and time varying signal voltage Vin is applied to the positive terminal.
  • When Vin is less than Vref the output becomes V0 at –Vsat [Vin < Vref => V0 (-Vsat)].
  • When Vin is greater than Vref, the (+) input becomes positive, the V0 goes to +Vsat. [Vin > Vref => V0 (+Vsat)].
  • Thus the V0 changes from one saturation level to another.
  • The diodes D1 and D2 protect the op-amp from damage due to the excessive input voltage Vin. Because of these diodes, the difference input voltage Vid of the op-amp diodes are called clamp diodes.
  • The resistance R in series with Vin is used to limit the current through D1 and D2. To reduce offset problems, a resistance Rcomp = R is connected between the (-ve) input and Vref.
Inverting Comparator

Working of Non Inverting Comparator

Inverting Comparator

  • This comparator is called as inverting comparator because the input voltage, which has to be compared is applied to the inverting terminal of op-amp.
Inverting Comparator

Inverting Comparator

Working of Inverting Comparator

  • In this circuit Vref is obtained by using a 10K potentiometer that forms a voltage divider with DC supply volt +Vcc and -1 and the wiper connected to the input.
  • As the wiper is moved towards +Vcc, Vref becomes more positive.
  • Thus a Vref of a desired amplitude and polarity can be got by simply adjusting the 10k potentiometer.
Inverting Comparator

Working of Inverting Comparator

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