latex - Latex Packages - latex tutorial

What is Package Explanation in Latex?

  • LaTeX offers a lot of functions by default, but in some situations it can become in handy to use so called packages.
  • To import a package in LaTeX, you simply add the \usepackage directive to the preamble of your document:



Installation of packages:

  • When using Linux or Mac, most packages will already be installed by default.
  • In case of Ubuntu installing texlive-full from the package manager would provide all packages available.
  • The MiKTeX bundle in Windows, will download the package if you include it to your document.

Use of packages:

  • There are countless packages, all for different purposes in my tutorials I will explain some of the most useful.
  • To typeset math, LaTeX offers (among others) an environment called equation.
  • Everything inside this environment will be printed in math mode, a special typesetting environment for math.
  • LaTeX also takes care of equation numbers for us:

Sample Code




   f(x) = x^2


  • This will result in the following output:


f(x) = x^2 (1)

Including a package:

  • The automatic numbering is a useful feature, but sometimes it's necessary to remove them for auxiliary calculations.
  • LaTeX doesn't allow this by default, now we want to include a package that does:

Sample Code





   f(x) = x^2

  • Now we get the same output as before, only the equation number is removed:


f(x) = x^2

Formatting documents with latex :

learn latex - latex tutorial - Formatting documents with latex - latex example programs

learn latex - latex tutorial - Formatting documents with latex - latex example programs

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