latex - Plots in Latex - Visualize data with pgfplots - latex tutorial

What is Pgfplots in latex ?

  • PGFPlots draws high--quality function plots in normal or logarithmic scaling with a user-friendly interface directly in TeX.
  • The pgfplots package from tikz/pgf enabled you to plot data directly from .csv files in LaTeX.
  • Visualizing your data is easily done with auto-generated plots using the pgfplots package.
  • It's strongly recommended to read Lesson 9 before, since we will omit some basic statements about .csv files and basically use the same file for my plot.

To plot our data, we will use the following code:


\usepackage{tikz} % To generate the plot from csv

\pgfplotsset{compat=newest} % Allows to place the legend below plot
\usepgfplotslibrary{units} % Allows to enter the units nicely

  round-mode          = places,
  round-precision     = 2,


          width=\linewidth, % Scale the plot to \linewidth
          grid=major, % Display a grid
          grid style={dashed,gray!30}, % Set the style
          xlabel=X Axis $U$, % Set the labels
          ylabel=Y Axis $I$,
          x unit=\si{\volt}, % Set the respective units
          y unit=\si{\ampere},
          legend style={at={(0.5,-0.2)},anchor=north}, % Put the legend below the plot
          x tick label style={rotate=90,anchor=east} % Display labels sideways
        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in
        % the .csv file (on top)
        table[x=column 1,y=column 2,col sep=comma] {table.csv}; 
    \caption{My first autogenerated plot.}

 latex plots

learn latex tutorial - latex plots - latex example

  • We added the new packages and the following code to generate the plot:

Sample Code:

          width=\linewidth, % Scale the plot to \linewidth
          grid style={dashed,gray!30},
          xlabel=X Axis $U$, % Set the labels
          ylabel=Y Axis $I$,
          x unit=\si{\volt}, % Set the respective units
          y unit=\si{\ampere},
          legend style={at={(0.5,-0.2)},anchor=north},
          x tick label style={rotate=90,anchor=east}
        % add a plot from table; you select the columns by using the actual name in
        % the .csv file (on top)
        table[x=column 1,y=column 2,col sep=comma] {table.csv}; 
    \caption{My first autogenerated plot.}
  • The first part only includes the necessary packages, the second part has only two commands as well, where
  • \pgfplotsset{compat=newest} disables the backward compatibility for pgfplots, so we can place the legend of our graph below the plot and \usepgfplotslibrary{units} adds two new commands (x unit and y unit), which allows for nice formatting of units in brackets.
  • Most parts from the last part should be self-explanatory. We have width, xlabel, ylabel and more.
  • Comment them out and explore them on your own.
  • The most important part is:
        table[x=column 1,y=column 2,col sep=comma] {table.csv};
  • Given a .csv file like:
column 1,column 2
  • We have to put the name of one column for our x, in this case x=column 1 and a second column for our y, since there are only two columns, we choose y=column 2. Again, the col sep=comma indicates that we use comma as our column separator.
  • We can copy the whole snippet as shown above and use it over and over again, we only have to change the columns we want to plot and the filename.
  • There are a lot of options to style the plots and have bar charts and so forth

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