How to prioritize things in your life ?

Some of the tips to deliver the best answer are :

  • When yours responding, keep in mind the type of position you are interviewing for.
  • Instead, answer with a positive way that shows your personal characteristics and attitude.
  • The interviewer may even ask you to expand your answer with an example.
  • Make sure to focus on the qualities that make you an ideal person for the job as well as the company.

Tips for Answering Prioritizing Thing in your life

  • Be ready with a full, detailed answer which is wisely logical will impress a recruiter. Mentioning how you switch over different aspects of managing time will differentiate you from other candidates, you can provide sample examples.
  • Recruiter wants to know about your ability to handle tasks every day without asking every step of what needs to be done. They also want to know that you can manage to prioritize work. You can express this in your answer by saying that you will create a fresh to-do list at beginning of every day, arranged by a deadline and by the importance level. Since surprising interruptions can occur, so you create two or three “must-wins” for yourself based on tasks that need to be completed by the end of the day.

Sample Answer 1:

If you are an experienced candidate:

  • My job has multiple conflicting priorities, it might be problematic to get to know about which is most important and emergency. My boss and I worked out an urgent scale for task rating then it will be clear about which takes highest priority. The important and urgent work takes highest priority. Important and not urgent is next. As a result, my overall productivity in the past year has gone up considerably as benchmarked against prior to using our prioritization rating system.

Sample Answer 2:

If you are an entry level candidate:

  • During my internship, I was allocated both main project as well as maintenance of current project. Though, the current project was receiving number of requests that made difficult to schedule time for my main project. So, I met my boss to discuss about the prioritizing conflict and then we were able to work based on schedule which allowed me to respond to support tasks and completing my main project. At the end, I received award for my project and for my quick response on issues of support project.

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