What motivates you at work

Different ways in which this question can be asked :

  • What are you passionate about ?
  • What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort ?
  • What motivates you in your career ?

Reason for asking this question:

  • To know what drives you to succeed.
  • They also want to determine whether your motivators will be a fit for the job duties and the company culture.
  • What makes you tick.
  • What you enjoy doing and what you value.
  • Whether you would do well in the job role.
  • How you would fit into their team.

Prepare the answer for this question by getting the answers to the following:

  • What do you enjoy doing ?
  • What have you enjoyed while working at your part-time jobs or internships ?
  • What did you look forward to ?
  • When you came home feeling that you'd had a good day, what kind of tasks or projects had you tackled ?
  • What sort of tasks are you best at ?
  • Do you work at your best when you have an imminent deadline or do you crumble ?

Sample answers:

  • I am motivated by constant progress. I find it exciting to implement new ideas and see them through to execution. I find the most satisfaction in implementing “out-of-the-box” ideas that ultimately prove their value. I like to be challenged on the job and desire the opportunity to utilize my skills and talents. Quality leadership and culture in the workplace have allowed me to work at my best.
  • I am motivated by meeting set targets within deadlines, as it gives me a sense of success and it's something that I can look back on and say "I achieved that". I'm also motivated by visible results - for example, when I wrote an article for my student newspaper, I got a sense of achievement from knowing that up to 16,000 students would read it.

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