Flask Templates

  • Flask facilitates us to return the response in the form of HTML templates.

Sample Code

The flask script contains a view function, i.e., the message() which is associated with the URL '/'. Instead of returning a simple string as a message, it returns a message with <h1> tag attached to it using HTML.


from flask import *  
app = Flask(__name__)  
def message():  
      return "<html><body><h1>Hi, welcome to wikitechy</h1></body></html>"  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
   app.run(debug = True)  


 Flask Templates Output

Flask Html Templates

Rendering External HTML Files



  • Flask provides us the render_template () function.
  • render_template () - It can be used to render the external HTML file to be returned as the response from the view function.

Sample code


<h1>hi, welcome to the website </h1>  


from flask import *  
app = Flask(__name__)  
@app. route('/')  
def message():  
      return render_template('message.html')  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
   app. run(debug = True)  
  • Here, we create the sample folder templates inside the application directory and save the HTML templates referenced in the flask script in that directory.
  • In this case, the path of our script file name as script.py is C:\flask whereas the path of the HTML template is C:\flask\templates.
  • Application Directory
    • script.py
    • templates
    • message.html


 Flask Templates Output

Flask Html Templates


 flask templates jinja2

flask templates jinja2

  • It can be used in the HTML to make it capable of dynamic data representation.
  • The jinga2 template engine provides the following delimiters to escape from the HTML.
    • {% ... %} for statements
    • {{ ... }} for expressions to print to the template output
    • {# ... #} for the comments that are not included in the template output
    • # ... ## for line statements

Sample Code

  • In the below code, where the variable part of the URL is shown in the HTML script using the {{ ... }} delimiter.


<h1>hi, {{ name }}</h1>  


from flask import *  
app = Flask(__name__)  
def message(uname):  
      return render_template('message.html',name=uname)  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
   app.run(debug = True)  


 Flask-Templates Output1

Flask Templates Output

Embedding Python statements in HTML

  • In this case flask framework is used to embed the symbol python statements into the HTML.

Sample Code

  • In this example, We will print the table of 10 on the browser's window.
  • The for-loop statement is enclosed inside {%...%} delimiter, whereas, the loop variable and the number is enclosed inside {{ ... }} placeholders.


from flask import *  
app = Flask(__name__)  
def table(num):  
      return render_template('print-table.html',n=num)  
if __name__ == '__main__':  
   app.run(debug = True)  


<title>print table</title>  
<h2> printing table of {{n}}</h2>  
{% for i  in range(1,11): %}  
    <h3>{{n}} X {{i}} = {{n * i}} </h3>  
{% endfor %}  


 Output Table

Output Table

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