C# Random - c# - c# tutorial - c# net

What is Random Number in C# ?

  • In C#, the Random class defined in the .NET Framework class library provides functionality to generate random numbers.
  • This method is used to generate random string.
 c# random number and string
  • The Random class constructors have two overloaded forms. It takes either no value or it takes a seed value. The Random class has three public methods
    • Next,
    • NextBytes, and
    • NextDouble.
 representation of random number and strings
  • Next:

    The Next method is used to returns a random number.
  • NextBytes:

    NextBytes method returns an array of bytes filled with random numbers.
  • NextDouble:

    The next double method returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.


datatype[] arrayName;

Syntax Explanation:

  • datatype:

    Datatype is used to specify the type of elements in the array. And [ ] specifies the rank of the array. The rank specifies the size of the array.
  • arrayName:

    ArrayName specifies the name of the array.

C# Sample Code - C# Examples:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Wikitechy_Array
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] array = new int[4];

            array[0] = 1;
            array[1] = 2;
            array[2] = 3;
            array[3] = 4;

           for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)



Code Explanation:

 code of random number and string
  • int[] array = new int[4]; We declare and initialize a numerical array. And we declare an array which contains 4 elements. All elements are integers.
  • We initialize the array with some data. This is assignment initialization. The indexes are in the square brackets. Array [0] is going to be the first element of the array. Array [1] is going to be the second element of the array, Array [2] is going to be the third element of the array, Array [3] is going to be the fourth element of the array.
  • Here for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) specifies integer i = 0, which means the expression, (I < 5), is true. Therefore, the statement is executed, and i gets incremented by 1 and becomes 4.
  • Here we can declare and initialize an array in one statement array[i].

Sample C# examples - Output :

 output of random number and string
  • Here in this output the 1,2,3,4 will be printed until it reaches the less than "5" array elements.

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