AngularJS <input> Directive
- AngularJS alter the default behavior of the <input> element, when the ng-model attribute is present.
- The ng-model attribute is combined with the HTML input element it provides the data binding, validation and input state control.
- HTML input element is control with AngularJS data-binding which means they are part of the ng-model and it can be referred and updated both in the AngularJS functions and in the DOM.
- An <input> element provides the validation, when the required attribute value is empty the $valid state is false condition otherwise true.
Syntax for input directive in AngularJs:
Parameter Values:
Parameters | Type | Description |
ngModel | string | Defines angular expression to data-bind. |
name (optional) | string | Name of the form under which the control is available. |
required (optional) | string | Denotes the required validation error key if the value is not entered. |
ngRequired (optional) | boolean | Denotes the required attribute is set to true state. |
ngMinlength(optional) | number | States the minlength validation error key if the value is shorter than minlength. |
ngMaxlength(optional) | number | States the maxlength validation error key if the value is longer than maxlength. |
ngPattern(optional) | string | States pattern validation error key if the ng model value does not match RegExp found by evaluating the Angular expression given in the attribute value. If the expression evaluates to a RegExp object, then this is used directly. If the expression evaluates to a string, then it will be converted to a RegExp after wrapping it in ^ and $ characters. For instance, "abc" will be converted to new RegExp ('^abc$'). |
ngChange(optional) | string | An expression of Angular to be executed when input changes due to user interaction with the input element. |
ngTrim (optional) | boolean | If set to false Angular will not automatically trim the input. Parameter is ignored for input [type=password] controls, which will never trim the input. |
Properties of the input directive in AngularJS application:
Properties | Description |
$pristine | Denotes no fields has not been modified. |
$dirty | One or more fields has been changed. |
$invalid | Content in the form is not valid. |
$valid | Content in the form is valid. |
$touched | Denotes that the field has been touched |
$untouched | Denotes that the field has been not touched |
CSS Class Properties of the input directive in AngularJS application:
- AngularJS classes used to style forms according to their state and the classes are removed means if the current state value is false.
Properties | Description |
ng-pristine | Denotes no fields has not been modified. |
ng-dirty | One or more fields has been changed. |
ng-invalid | Content in the form is not valid. |
ng-valid | Content in the form is valid. |
ng-valid-key | One key for each validation. (Example: more than one thing to be validated.) ng-valid-required |
ng-invalid-key | Example: ng-invalid-required |
ng-invalid-key | Example: ng-invalid-required |
$touched | Denotes that the field has been touched |
$untouched | Denotes that the field has been not touched |
Sample coding for input directive in AngularJS
Code Explanation input directive in AngularJS:
- The ng-app specifies the root element (e.g. <body> or <html> or <div> tags) to define AngularJS application.
- ng-controller specifies the application controller in AngularJS the controller value is given as “inputctrl”
- ng-model binds the value from the HTML control to application data.
- The ng-change directive is used to call the changefun().
- ng-pattern directive define the pattern from validator to ng model used for text based input.
- ng-minlength calculate the minlength from the validator to ngmodel used for text based input.
- ng-maxlength calculate the maxlength from validator to ng model used for text based input.
- Span tag is used to display the content in the input field.
- If the required directive shows an error the content is displayed like “phone is required”
- If the pattern directive shows an error the content is displayed like “Pattern does not match”
- If the minlength directive shows an error the content is displayed like “Phone must be max 6 char”
- The changed directive shows “text changed” when the valid character is given in the input.
- Controller is called in the function as app.controller.
- changefun () is the ng-change directive value of the input function.
- The value is given as mychange in the scope object.
Sample Output for input directive in AngularJS:
- The output is displayed on the page load.
- If we type the 6 char of number in the input field is consider as valid data.
- If the data is valid then the “text changed” is displayed in the output.
- If we type the letter in the input field is, consider as invalid data.
- If the data is invalid the text is displayed in the input “Pattern does not match”.
- If we type the number with one char its shows that the input field is valid but the char of the input field 6 by the “text” Phone must be max 6 char”.
- If we type the letter in the input field is consider as invalid data.
- If the data is invalid the text is displayed in the input “Pattern does not match phone must be max 6 char”.
- If we click the submit without input field it shows the text “Phone is required”