AngularJS ng-app

  • ng-app directive defines the root element to initializes an AngularJS application.
  • ng-app directive is commonly allocated nearby the root element of the HTML page. For example, on the <body> or <html> tags.
  • We can declare in any HTML elements like div, body etc…where ever it is declared it is the owner of the Angularjs application.
  • ng-app directive, which is used to bootstrap/loads itself and it will compile the HTML template(auto-bootstrapped/loads) in AngularJS application.
  • The html document is auto-bootstrapped by only using AngularJS application.

Syntax for ng-app in AngularJS:

<element ng-app=” modulename”>Content</element>

Parameter Values for ng-app in AngularJS:

Value Description
modulename Defines the module name to load with the application. It’s an Optional.

Sample Coding for ng-app in AngularJS:

 Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>ng-app directive in AngularJS - Wikitechy</title>
        <script src="
        angular.min.js"> </script>
    <body ng-app="" >
        <p>Enter the text:{{'wikitechy'}}</p>

ng-app directive declaration in AngularJS:

The ng-app defined inside the <body>tag. Hence<body> tag become the root element of AngularJS application.

<body ng-app="" >

Code Explanation for ng-app in AngularJS:

Code Explanation for ng app Directive In AngularJS

  1. The <script> tag is used to include AngularJS JavaScript source file from into HTML document.
  2. The ng-app defined inside the <body>tag. Hence<body> tag become the root element of AngularJS application.
  3. AngularJS will resolve the expression and it will return the result.

Sample output:

Sample Output for ng app Directive In Angularjs

  1. The entered text “Wikitechy” will be displayed here.

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