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python interview questions :151
The mod of negative numbers in C ?
- Just a side note, when fetching it back out of the database psycopg2 provides it as a buffer, the first 4 bytes of which are the total length, so get the original data as:
- The string can then be split into pairs and cast to integers
python interview questions :152
Importing byte field into PostgreSQL database via psycopg2 ?
- Just a side note, when fetching it back out of the database psycopg2 provides it as a buffer, the first 4 bytes of which are the total length, so get the original data as:
python interview questions :153
The mod of negative numbers in C?
- In C the following code.
- But according to this mod calculator -12 mod 10 = 8
In Python
python interview questions :154
In python, what is a character buffer?
- Replace "character buffer" by "string" for starters. There are more types exposing the "buffer protocol" in Python, but don't bother with them for now.
Learn python - python tutorial - python buffer - python examples - python programs
- Most likely, output ended up not being a string. Log its type in the line before the error.
python interview questions :155
Representing a special value in Python?
- Use a sentinel object:
- Now you can test for is nil or is not nil just as you can test for None.
- Any code that uses this does, of course, have to import it from the module that defines it; it is not a built-in the way None is built-in.
python interview questions :156
Set subtraction in Python?
- If you want this to work correctly, you need to define the __eq__() and __hash__() special methods. If you define __eq__(), it's usually also a good idea to define __ne__().
- __eq__() should return True if its arguments are equivalent (their x and y values are the same).__ne__() should do the opposite.
- It's usually also desirable for __eq__() to do type checking, and return false if the "other" value is not of the same type as self.
- __hash__() should return a number. The number should be the same for two values which compare equal with __eq__(), and it's desirable but not strictly required for it to be different for distinct values. A good implementation is this:
- The tuple hashing algorithm will combine the hash values of its elements in a statistically well-behaved way. You may sometimes see people recommend bitwise XOR (i.e. self.x ^ self.y) here, but that isn't a good idea. That technique throws away all the bits they have in common, which makes for inferior hashing performance (e.g. it always returns zero if self.x == self.y).
- Finally, you need to make sure that hash values don't change after an object has been constructed. This is most easily accomplished by converting self.x and self.y into read-only properties.
python interview questions :157
Negative number division in Python ?
- We try out with this technique
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python interview questions :158
What is the default handling of SIGTERM?
- Python allows for potentially unbounded delay in handling signals. There is no fix or workaround that has no drawbacks.
python interview questions :159
How to install SSL certificate in Python phantomjs?
- To use PhantomJS from Python is with the help of Selenium automation tool. This way you would have to also provide necessary certtificate files via CLI
Note: that providing custom ssl keys works in PhantomJS from version 2.1.
python interview questions :160
In python what is a <type 'revision'>?
- The <type 'revision'> means you have a pysvn.Revision instance. If you wanted to write the revision number, use it's revision.number attribute.
- However, your code has other issues. You are adding all the columns to log_list as separate rows, rather than as one column, and you are trying to write each row as a sequence of rows to the CSV. Don't use csv.writerows(), and write your rows as you process the revisions: