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python interview questions :221
How to implement Quicksort?
- Quicksort is the fastest known comparison-based sorting algorithm.
- It requires O(n log n) steps on average while works in place, which means minimal extra memory required. Quicksort is a recursive algorithm.
python interview questions :222
How to use Regular expression ?
Write a code to check the validity of password input. Then following are the criteria for valid password:
- At least 1 letter between [a-z]
- At least 1 number between [0-9]
- At least 1 letter between [A-Z]
- At least 1 character from [$#@]
- Minimum length of password: 6
- Maximum length of password: 12
Here are the list of passwords:
So, the right output should be like this:
python interview questions :223
Which statement of Python is used whenever a statement is required syntactically but the program needs no action?
- Pass - is no-operation / action statement in Python
- If we want to load a module or open a file, and even if the requested module/file does not exist, we want to continue with other tasks. In such a scenario, use try-except block with pass statement in the except block.
python interview questions :224
What is Web Scraping? How do you achieve it in Python?
- Web Scrapping is a way of extracting the large amounts of information which is available on the web sites and saving it onto the local machine or onto the database tables.
- In order to scrap the web:load the web page which is interesting to you. To load the web page, use “requests” module.
- parse HTML from the web page to find the interesting information.Python has few modules for scraping the web. They are urllib2, scrapy, pyquery, BeautifulSoap, etc.
python interview questions :225
What Is Python? What Are The Benefits Of Using Python?
Python is one of the most successful interpreted languages. When you write a Python script, it doesn’t need to get compiled before execution. Few other interpreted languages are PHP and Javascript.
Benefits Of Python Programming.
- Python is a dynamic-typed language, this means that you don’t need to mention the date type of variables during their declaration. It allows to set variables like var1=101 and var2 =” You are an engineer.” without any error.
- Python supports object orientated programming as you can define classes along with the composition and inheritance. It doesn’t use access specifiers like public or private).
- Functions in Python are like first-class objects. It suggests you can assign them to variables, return from other methods and pass as arguments.
- Developing using Python is quick but running it is often slower than compiled languages. Luckily, Python enables to include the “C” language extensions so you can optimize your scripts.
- Python has several usages like web-based applications, test automation, data modeling, big data analytics and much more. Alternatively, you can utilize it as “glue” layer to work with other languages.
python interview questions :226
What Is The Output Of The Following Python Code Fragment?
The result of the above Python code snippet is:
- You may erroneously expect list1 to be equal to [10] and list3 to be equal to [‘a’], thinking that the list argument will initialize to its default value of [] every time there is a call to the extendList.
- However, the flow is like that a new list gets created once after the function is defined. And the same list is used whenever someone calls the extendList method without a list argument. It works like this because the calculation of expressions (in default arguments) occurs at the time of function definition, not during its invocation.
python interview questions :227
How Do You Debug A Program In Python? Is It Possible To Step Through Python Code?
- Yes, we can use the Python debugger (<pdb>) to debug any Python program. And if we start a program using <pdb>, then it let us even step through the code.
python interview questions :228
List Down Some Of The PDB Commands For Debugging Python Programs?
Here are a few PDB commands to start debugging Python code.
- Add breakpoint - <b>
- Resume execution - <c>
- Step by step debugging - <s>
- Move to next line - <n>
- List source code - <l>
- Print an expression - <p>
python interview questions :229
How can you copy objects in Python?
The functions used to copy objects in Python are-
- Copy.copy () for shallow copy
- Copy.deepcopy () for deep copy
Learn python - python tutorial - python-object-copy - python examples - python programs
- However, it is not possible to copy all objects in Python using these functions. For instance, dictionaries have a separate copy method whereas sequences in Python have to be copied by ‘Slicing’.
python interview questions :240
What is the difference between tuples and lists in Python?
- Tuples can be used as keys for dictionaries i.e. they can be hashed. Lists are mutable whereas tuples are immutable - they cannot be changed.
- Tuples should be used when the order of elements in a sequence matters. For example, set of actions that need to be executed in sequence, geographic locations or list of points on a specific route.
Learn python - python tutorial - python-tuples - python examples - python programs