ENIAC Full Form in Computer | What is the Full Form of ENIAC

ENIAC Full Form - Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer

  • ENIAC stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. ( full form of eniac )
  • It's believed to be the world's first operational electronic computer developed within the US by Army Ordnance to calculate ballistic firing tables to assist US troops during war II.
  • These firing tables enabled the military to predict the target where a shell would hit.
  • It allowed troops to hit their targets more precisely or dodge incoming shells.
 Full Form of ENIAC

Full Form of ENIAC

  • It was the world's first general-purpose computer, which was designed to be a modular computer made from separate panels that perform separate functions and run only on electronic components without having any mechanical part to slow it down.
  • ENIAC's weight was around 30 tons and was spread over an area of 1800 square feet.
  • The most components of the ENIAC include:
    • 18,000 vacuum tubes
    • 15,00 relays
    • Resistors
    • Capacitors
    • Inductors
  • Furthermore, it had 20 single-number accumulators as primary functional units along with special units for division, multiplication, and square roots. So, it had been not only employed by the military but was also suitable for weather prediction, atomic-energy calculations, thermal ignition, cosmic-ray studies, wind-tunnel design, etc.
  • Later, it became obsolete when there was a requirement for faster computing speeds over time.

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