MBPS Full Form | What is the Full Form Of MBPS

Mbps Full Form - Megabits per Second

 Megabits per Second

Megabits per Second

  • Mbps is that the measure of data transfer rate measured as (Mb).
  • Generally used in communications and data technology to measure speed of data transfer.
  • Mbps indicates transfer of 1 million bits or 1,000 kilobits of data per second.
  • A megabit is approximately one eighth size of a megabyte. String of 8 bits constitutes 1 byte. Any characters, symbol or punctuation is denoted by 8bits.
    • 1 byte = 8 bits
    • 1 kbps = 1000 bits
    • 1 mbps = 1000 kilobits
    • 1 gbps = 1000 megabits
 Megabits per Second

Megabits per Second

  • Megabit are often defined as 1,048,576 (that is 2^20) bits which is used to explain data storage.
  • Whereas, to measure data transfer rate, one Mb is like 1,000,000 bits.
  • Mbps and MBps (Megabytes per Second) are two different measurements.
  • As an example, your broadband connection gives the speed in Mbps (Megabits per Second), whereas, MBps (Megabytes per Second) is used to measure the dimensions of your file.

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