VHDL Full Form | Full Form of VHDL
VHDL Full Form - VHSIC (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) Hardware Description Language
Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
- VHDL is the hardware description language that's used to model the physical hardware used by the digital systems like in logic circuits to inform their structure, timing and behavior.
- It shouldn't be confuse with a programing language as it isn't a programing language. There are some predefined data types in VHDL, apart from these a user may define its own data type.
- It was developed by the U.S. Department of Defense in 1981.
Let's see a picture of conversion from VHDL to sysgen block diagram.
Hardware Description Language Generator
Why Use VHDL
- If used in a proper way and structured approach, it'll efficiently increase the productivity.
- It gives a benefit to reuse a code consistent with your use.
- You’ll move to more advanced tools by using VHDL as electronic tools are developing rapidly.
- It’s hard to learn and implement as it is the big and complicated language.
- Tools used in VHDL are comparatively costlier.
- It doesn't provide all kind of technology features.