FMA Full Form | Full Form of FMA
FMA Full Form - Financial Market Authority
Financial Market Authority
- In accordance with its legislative mandate, the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority (FMA) ensures the stability of the Liechtenstein financial market, the protection of clients, the prevention of abuses, and therefore the implementation of and compliance with recognized international standards.
- As an integrated and independent supervisory authority, the FMA supervises the financial market participants within the Liechtenstein financial centre.
- Through its supervisory work, the FMA ensures the stability of the financial institutions and financial market also because the protection of clients.
- If supervisory rules are violated, the FMA takes the required measures within the interest of client protection and therefore the reputation of the financial centre. When combating abuse, the FMA also deals with cases during which activities subject to a license are pursued without the appropriate license.
- The FMA ensures the implementation of international standards and participates within the preparation of financial market laws on behalf of the government.
- The FMA advocates sustainable regulation that ensures efficient and effective supervision.
- To further specify laws and their implementing ordinances, the FMA also issues guidelines and communications.
External relations
- The FMA is represented in all relevant supervisory organizations at the global and European level.
- With its recognition as the same supervisory authority, the FMA makes an important contribution to making sure international market access for Liechtenstein financial intermediaries.
- At the national level, the FMA maintains close contacts with business and professional associations.
Enterprise and team
- The FMA is an autonomous authority with its own legal personality. It had been established as an integrated Financial Market Authority in 2005.
- The FMA is governed according to the principles and practices of responsible and modern corporate management.
- At the top of 2019, the FMA used 110 people from Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Austria, Germany and other countries.