NASDAQ Full Form | Full Form of NASDAQ

NASDAQ Full Form - National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

  • It is an American and Canadian stock market which allows the investors to buy and sell stocks on an automatic, transparent and fast computer network.
  • It owned by NASDAQ OMX Group and is headquartered in New York, US.
  • In terms of market capitalisation, it's the second largest stock market within the world after New York stock Exchange (NYSE).
  • It currently stylized as Nasdaq.
 National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations

NASDAQ has three levels of quotes

  • First level quote gives the knowledge about the very highest and lowest bid.
  • Second level quote provides the small print of the dealers who are able to buy or sell the stock.
  • Third level quote helps the makers of market to enter the specified quotes and execute orders.

NASDAQ Timings

  • Pre-market Session : It starts from 4 am and ends at 9:30 am.
  • Normal trading Session : It starts from 9:30 am and ends at 4:00 pm.
  • Post-market Session : It starts from 4:00 pm and ends at 8:00 pm.

Brief History

  • NASDAQ was founded by National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) on 8 February 1971. At the time, it had been a computer bulletin board-type system.
  • In 1975, it invented the initial public offering (IPO) which enabled the growth companies to boost capital to expand their businesses.
  • In 1985, it created the NASDAQ-100 Index.
  • In 1996, it launched the primary exchange website
  • In 1998, it merged with the American stock market and formed NASDAQ-AMEX Market Group.
  • In 2000, the External Link NASDAQ was restructured to make NASDAQ stock exchange, Inc.
  • In 2007, NASDAQ acquired OMX (Swedish-Finnish financial company) and altered its name to NASDAQ OMX Group.
  • In 2008, NASDAQ OMX acquired the Philadelphia Stock Exchange which was the oldest stock exchange within the US.
  • In 2009, NASDAQ OMX launched its mobile web version,

Some of the main companies listed on NASDAQ are given below

 National Association of Securities Dealers

National Association of Securities Dealers

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