RAM Full Form in Computer | Full Form of RAM in Computer
RAM Full Form - Random Access Memory
- Here, you’ll get the solution of the following RAM related questions: full form of ram in computer , what is the full form of ram , full form of ram and rom , what is the full form of ram and rom , what is full form of ram
Random Access Memory
- RAM is volatile memory means data in RAM are lost when computer is turned off.
- It's the main memory of a computer or mobile phones. You'll change or erase your data in RAM.
- Data or applications currently being used on a device are stored in RAM from the hard drives because data from the RAM are loaded much faster than the hard drives.
- Your computer speed will increase with the increase in the capacity of your RAM.
- It is called 'Random Access' because data are often read and write randomly from any single byte.
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Types of RAM
Generally RAM are often divided into two broad categories:
Random Access Memory- Types
- SRAM :
- Static RAM is much faster and costlier than DRAM. It often functions as cache memory. Information in SRAM is volatile. It stores a bit of data using six transistor memory cell.
- DRAM :
- Dynamic RAM is slower than SRAM. It stores a bit of data using a transistor and capacitor pair. Because it is a smaller amount expensive, most computers use DRAM. It's also a volatile memory.
Features of RAM
- It is a storage type device, works as main memory.
- It determines the pc speed.
- It is much smaller than hard disk, both physically also as capacity wise.