CSS - CSS Background - CSS Background Color

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CSS Background color - Definition and Usage
- In css background color is to apply the background color of an element.
- Background color can be applied in different ways:
- Valid color name like "red"
- HEX value like "#ff0000"
- RGB value like "rgb(255,0,0)"

- Background Color is used to set the background color of an element like <p>, <h1>, <h2> and so on.
Sample coding - css html
<p style="background-color: green;">
Wikitechy Is the Best E-Learning Website.
click below button to copy the code. By - css tutorial - team
Code Explanation - style css

- Here “background-color: green;” is used to set green background color for the paragraph.
Code Output - css online

- Opening the html file, the web browser displays the paragraph “Wikitechy Is The Best E-Learning Website.” with its background as green color.
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