CSS - CSS Background - CSS Background Position

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CSS Background position - Definition and Usage
- In css background position is used to apply the beginning position of the background image.
- In this, background-image can be fixed at the top-left corner of an element, and repeated both vertical axis and horizontal axis.

- The Background position property in CSS allows the developers to align the background image anywhere in the web page.
sample html code - html and css
Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
body {
background-image: url("http://www.wikitechy.com/img/logo.png");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: right top;
Welcome to Wikitechy!
click below button to copy the code. By - css tutorial - team
Code Explanation - stylesheet css

- The background-image property specifies an image to use as the background image for the element. URL specifies the location path of the background image.
- Here, by using repeat property, we can avoid appearing of image several times.
- background-position: right top; will display the image at the right corner of the output browser window.
Note : Similarly, we can fix the image anywhere (left top and center).
Code Output - html and css training course
- The text “Welcome to Wikitechy!” was displayed in the browser window as shown.
- Here, the background image wikitechy.com will be displayed in the RIGHT TOP CORNER of the window.

- The text “Welcome to Wikitechy!” was displayed in the browser window as shown.
- Here, the background image wikitechy.com will be displayed in the CENTER OF THE WINDOW.

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