CSS - CSS Style
CSS Style Forms - Definition and Usage
- In css form have different types of input fields, like text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit buttons, and more.
- Form styles are used to defines the styles for inputs like user input field, bordered inputs ,colored inputs etc…,
- Using attribute selector, you can style the specific input type.

Internal CSS - Definition and Usage
- Internal stylesheet CSS is used to apply a style for a single HTML page.
- In css internal stylesheet defines the <style> tag inside the <head> section of the html element

CSS - CSS Inline Style Sheet
- In CSS inline style may be used to set a unique style for a single element.
- use inline styles, add the style attribute to the related element.
- The style attribute can contain any CSS property.
- The inline style uses the HTML style attribute.

External CSS File Example - Definition and Usage
- In css external style sheet is an isolated file, where you can declare all the styles where you want to use on your website.
- In external style sheet we used to apply the styles for each element at once.
- In this you can modify the look of an entire website by changing one file.
- The file should be saved with a .css extension.

CSS Colors - Definition and Usage
- In css, color property is used to apply the color to the text.
- Color values is used to specify the colors to the element, web page etc.
- It is used to apply the colors in various format: Hexadecimal,RGB,RGBA ,HSL,HSLA

Background CSS - Definition and Usage
- In css background is used to define a background effect for the content or element.
- Background property has different ways to apply.
- Background property allows us to control the background of any element.