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Accesskey attribute in html

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  • The <accesskey> attribute specifies a keyboard shortcut and to access the element.
  • The way of accessing the shortcut key is varying in different browsers:
Browsers Windows Linux MAC
Alt+accesskey Alt+accesskey Ctrl+alt+accesskey
Alt+accesskey N/A
Alt+shift+accesskey Alt+shift+accesskey Ctrl+alt+accesskey
Alt+accesskey N/A Ctrl+alt+accesskey
Opera 15 or newer:
[Alt] + accesskey
Opera 12.1 or older:
[Shift] [Esc] + accesskey
Opera 15 or newer:
[Alt] + accesskey
Opera 12.1 or older:
[Shift] [Esc] + accesskey
Opera 15 or newer:
[Alt] + accesskey
Opera 12.1 or older:
[Shift] [Esc] + accesskey

Syntax for accesskey attribute in HTML:

<element accesskey="character">

Difference between HTML4.01 and HTML 5 for accesskey attribute:

HTML 4.01:

  • The accesskey attributes used with the <button>, <label>, <area>, <a>, <legend>and <textarea>.


  • HTML5 any HTML elements can use accesskey attribute.

Applies To:

Element Attribute
All HTML elements accesskey

accesskey Attribute Value:

Value Description
Character The shortcut key to activate/focus the element.

Sample coding for accesskey attribute in HTML:

Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <h3>Welcome to Wikitechy Online tutorials</h3>
        <a href="” 
                 accesskey="l">HTML Tutorials</a><br>
        <a href="" accesskey="c">CSS Tutorials</a>

Code Explanation for accesskey attribute in HTML:

accesskey Attribute Code Explanation

  1. accesskey “l” is set to HTML Tutorials.
  2. accesskey “c” is set to CSS Tutorials.

Output for accesskey attribute in HTML:

accesskey Attribute Output

  1. In Chrome browser, if user press the Alt+l in keyboard the page goes to HTML tutorials in Wikitechy website.
  2. In Chrome browser, if we press the Alt+c in keyboard the page goes to CSS tutorials in Wikitechy website.
accesskey Attribute Output navigation to CSS tutorials press Alt+c
  1. After pressing the Alt+c the CSS tutorials page is open in Wikitechy website.

Browser Support for accesskey attribute in HTML:

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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