Defines the form element belongs to the some of the tags.
The value of this attribute must be the id attribute of a <form> element in the same document.
Sample Coding for form Attribute in HTML:
Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Wikitechy form attribute</title></head><body><formaction="form.html"id="form_1">
Code Explanation for form Attribute in HTML:
The <form> tag is used to define a form with input elements.
Id attribute is used to define the <form> tag id as “form_1”.
The form attribute is used to append the <inputt> tag to the form which has the id attribute as “form_1”.
The type=”submit”is used to submit the form-data When the user click the submit button.
Output for form Attribute in HTML:
The Firstname text box is used to type a person’s first name.
The submit button, is used to submit the person’s name to the form.
The Lastname text box is used to type a person’s last name.
When the user c <form> tag but that will be also submitted because of “form” attribute.
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