Defines that the text direction of the form or the textarea will be submitted.
Sample coding for dirname attribute:
Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Wikitechy HTML dirname Attribute</title></head><body><formaction="dirname.html">
Enter the text: <inputtype="text"name="txtname"dirname="txtname.dir"><inputtype="submit"value="Submit"></form></body></html>
Code Explanation for dirname attribute in HTML:
Form to define the input element
The dirname attribute’s value is always the name of the input field, followed by “.dir”.
Output of dirname attribute in HTML
Enter the any text (here we mention wikitechy in the text box) in the text box and click submit button.
After clicking the submit button the text name and the dirname of the text is displayed in the address bar as txtname=wikitechy&txtname.dir=ltr. The ltr is defined as left to right that is the direction of the text is left to right.