Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><head><title>Wikitechy datetime attribute</title></head><p><deldatetime=”2014-7-22T17:55:02Z”>Content has been deleted
Content is here.</ins></p><p>I have a date on <timedatetime=”2017-05-1400:01”>
Mothers day.</time></p></body></html>
Code Explanation for datetime Attribute in HTML:
datetime is used to define the date and time along with the content.
Output for datetime Attribute in HTML:
<del> element is used along with the datetime attribute. As content is shown in output.
<ins> element is used along with the datetime attribute. As content is shown in output.
<time> element is used along with the datetime attribute. As content is shown in output. But datetime attribute has no visual effect in ordinary web browsers, but can be used by screen readers.