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High attribute in html

Learn html - html tutorial - High attribute in html - html examples - html programs

  • The high attribute is used to specify the range where the gauge's value is considered to be a high value.
  • The value of high attribute must be less than max attribute value, and greater than to the low and minimum values.

Syntax for high attribute in HTML:

<meter high="number">

Differences between HTML 4.01 and HTML5 for high attribute:

HTML 4.01

  • HTML4 does not support <meter> tag.


Applies To:

Element Attribute
<meter> high

Value of high attribute in HTML:

Value Description
number A floating point value that is consider as a high value.

Sample Coding for high Attribute in HTML:

Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Wikitechy high attribute</title>
        <p>Display a gauge:
        </p >
        <p >HTML:<meter min="0" low="50" high="80" max="100" value="95">
        </meter >
        </p >
        <p >CSS:<meter min="0" low="50" high="80" max="100" value="40">
        </meter > 
        </p >
        <p >PHP:<meter min="0" low="50" high="80" max="100" value="70">
        </meter >
        </p >

Code Explanation for high Attribute in HTML:

high Attribute Code Explanation

  1. <meter> tag used define a scalar measurement.
  2. min attribute used to set the minimum value.
  3. low attribute used to set the lowest value.
  4. high attribute used to set the highest value.
  5. max attribute used to set the maximum value.
  6. value attribute is used to set the value of the meter.

Output for high Attribute in HTML:

high Attribute Tag Output

  1. The output shows the meter for HTML, CSS and PHP.
  2. The yellow color indicates the meter value is not in specified range.
  3. The green color indicates the meter value is in the specified range.

Browser Support for high Attribute in HTML:

8.0 No 6.0 6.0 11.0

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