Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Wikitechy rows attribute</title></head><body><textareacols ="100">
Learn to Code in Wikitechy. Teach people how to different technologies
by way of clear and organized lessons. The guide covers a variety of topics,
ranging from beginner to advanced skill levels.
</textarea><br><br><textareacols ="100"rows ="3">
Learn to Code in Wikitechy. Teach people how to different technologies
by way of clear and organized lessons. The guide covers a variety of topics,
ranging from beginner to advanced skill levels.
Code Explanation for rows Attribute in HTML:
rows attribute used to specifies that the no of line to visible in the textarea.
Output for rows Attribute in HTML:
The first textbox has two line in visible by default.
The second textbox displays 3 lines instead of default value which is we mentioned in the rows attribute.
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