Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><videowidth="320"height="240"controlsonwaiting="onWaiting()"><sourcesrc="hibiscus.mp4"type="video/mp4"></video><script>functiononWaiting() {alert ("Wait! Wikitechy video need to buffer the next frame");}</script></body></html>
Code Explanation for onwaiting attribute in HTML:
<video> tag is used to defines that video controls should be visible.
The onwaiting attribute specifies the video stops because it wants to buffer the next frame.
<source> tag defines several video resources.
src is an attribute, which describes the URL of the video file.
function Wikitechy () is a JavaScript function (block of code), which is created to perform this alert method.
alert () method shows an alert box with a parameter value and a particular message and an OK button.
Sample Output for onwaiting attribute in HTML:
The video file has been displayed here.
The output shows the running video with seconds.
After changing the seconds in the video, the alert box has been displayed.