Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Wikitechy ononline attribute</title></head><bodyononline="online()"><h2>Goto file menu and click “Work Offline”</h2><p>
Learn to Code in Wikitechy<br>
Teach people how different technologies are organized<br><b>Note:</b>ononline only supported in Firefox and
Internet Explorer version 8 to 10.</p><script>functiononline()
alert ("You are working in online.");
Code Explanation for ononline Attribute in HTML:
ononline attribute used to trigger an event when the browser starts working in online.
online JavaScript function used to show an alert message “You are working in online.”
Output for ononline Attribute in HTML:
Goto File menu in the browser and chose “Work Offline”, select the same to toggle between working online and offline.
The Window shows an alert message “You are working in online.”
Browser Support for ononline Attribute in HTML:
Tips and Notes
ononline only supported in Firefox and Internet Explorer version 8 to 10.
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