Learn html - html tutorial - Oninvalid attribute in html - html examples - html programs
The oninvalid attribute is triggers an event when a submittable <input> element is invalid.
The required attribute describes that the input field must be filled out before submitting the form.
The oninput attribute is an Event Attributes.
Syntax for oninvalid attribute in HTML:
Differences between HTML 4.01 and HTML5 for oninvalid attribute:
HTML 4.01
HTML4 does not support oninvalid attribute.
The oninvalid attribute is new in HTML5.
Applies To:
All HTML elements
Attribute Values:
The script can run on oninvalid
Sample Coding for oninvalid Attribute in HTML:
Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><p>WIKITECHY</p><formmethod="get">
Enter the text:
<inputtype="text"oninvalid="alert('Must fill out the form!');"required><inputtype="submit"value="Submit"></form></body></html>
Code Explanation for oninvalid Attribute in HTML:
<form>tag is used to design a form for getting the input from the user.
<input> tag is used to create a text box where the user can enter the data.
oninvalid attribute is activate an alert box when the input value is invalid.
required attribute defines the input field must be filled out before submitting the form.
value attribute is used to set the submit button value as submit.
Output for oninvalid Attribute in HTML:
The text box will be display when the page was load for getting the input from the user.
The submit button used to submit the form-data.
When the user clicked submit button with empty textbox alert box will be appear with the message of “Must fill out the form”.