In HTML 5 the class attribute supports all HTML elements.
Applies To:
All HTML elements
class Attribute Values:
classname is used to define one or more classes. For specify multiple classes for a single element by using space separated list.
Sample Coding for class Attribute in HTML:
Tryit<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><style>{
color: orange;
}</style></head><body><h1>My<spanclass="page">HTML</span>program</h1><p>This is used to create<spanclass="page">Website</span>design.</p></body></html>
Code Explanation for class Attribute in HTML: is used to define a block of styles for a <span> element which has class name as page.
class attribute is used to set class name for the <span> tag.
page is a name of the class attribute that is used to get the styles for the <span> element.
Output for class Attribute in HTML:
The output displays the term HTML and Website in orange color by using class attribute.
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