html tutorial - Figure Caption <figcaption> tag in HTML - html5 - html code - html form

figure caption tag in html

Learn html - html tutorial - figure caption tag in html - html examples - html programs

  • The <figcaption>tag is used to add a caption for a <figure>element.
  • The first or last child of the <figure> element is placed as the <figcaption> element.
  • The <map> tag belongs to flow content, phrasing content and palpable content.
  • The <map> tag supports Global Attributes and Event Attributes.

Syntax for <figcaption> tag:


Differences between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

HTML 4.01

  • HTML4 does not supports <figcaption> tag.


  • The <figcaption> tag is new in HTML5.

Sample Coding for <figcaption> tag:

Tryit<!DOCTYPE html>
<html >
        <title>Wikitechy figcaption tag</title>
        <h2>HTML figcaption tag with example</h2>
            <img src=""
                 alt="Wikitechy logo" width="300" height="200">
            <figcaption>Fig.1 - html5 - html code - html form - In 30Sec by Microsoft Award MVP - | wikitechy logo.</figcaption>

Code Explanation for <figcaption> tag:

code explanation for figure caption tag

  1. <figure> tag is used to hold <img> and <figcaption> which is self-contained content.
  2. The <figcaption> tag is used to set the figure name as “Fig.1 - html5 - html code - html form - In 30Sec by Microsoft Award MVP - | wikitechy logo.”

Output of <figcaption> tag:

output for figure caption tag

  1. The output shows the wikitechy logo by using <figure>tag.
  2. The output shows the “Fig.1-wikitechy logo as a figure caption by using <figcaption>element.

Browser Support for <figcaption> tag in HTML:

6.0 9.0 4.0 5.0 11.1

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